Pastor Notes

About Pastor Notes: Resource Outlines for Preaching and Teaching the World

Our Aim

The purpose of our ministry of preaching and teaching the Word of God is to impart God’s Spirit and Life.

Jesus said, “It is the Spirit who gives Life, … the words that I speak to you are Spirit, and they are Life.” Jn 6:63.

Paul said, “God has made us able ministers of the New Covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit, for the letter kills but the Spirit gives Life.” 2 Cor 3:6.

A Caution

Avoid trying to preach or teach these outlines from your mind alone, they must be taken into your spirit before they are given out to others. Our ministry of God’s Word must come forth out of the heart, by the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, to give life to others. 1 Cor 2:4,5.

How to Use These Notes

When you are looking ahead to your next opportunity as a minister of God’s Word, wait on Him with the Word open before you, in faith and expectation, for the Holy Spirit’s leading, for what He would have you to focus on in your preaching or teaching. Ask for, and receive by faith, His Word and works of power for the people. Mat 7:7-11, Lk 24:19, 1 Cor 4:20. By the anointing, God will prepare you, and flow through you, to reveal Himself to the people.

Use these notes as they relate to the leading and witness of the Holy Spirit. Read through the relevant outlines and draw from them scriptural truth, and examples, which the Holy Spirit makes alive to you, and weave them into the material God is giving you, as you read His Word. 1 Jn 2:27, Ex 40:15, Zech 4:6.

Before I preach the Word, if I have time available, I preach the Word to myself quite a few times, and as I do the Holy Spirit usually brings many rhema scriptures and examples which I also use.

Other Ways to Use the Notes

1. For personal study on a topic the Holy Spirit is drawing to your attention.

2. As a prepared teaching outline for use in a Bible College, where the topic is suitable to the curriculum.

3. Photocopy a relevant outline to give to someone who is in need, in a particular area of Christian growth and development. E.g. What does the Bible teach on the healing of the sick? No.12. After working through the notes they can come back to you for discussion and prayer together.

4. As a basis for small group sharing. Photocopy an outline and hand it out the week before, indicating which part to prepare prayerfully.